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links for 2009-07-11

Steven Woda

The Obama administration is developing an initiative to take money from the $700 billion program for the banking system and make it available to millions of small businesses, which officials say are essential to any economic recovery because they employ so many people, according to sources familiar with the plan. The new effort — which would represent a striking shift from the rescue program’s original mandate — would direct billions of bailout dollars toward a program that aims more at saving jobs than righting the financial system.

Here they are: 1. We see a lot of ideas, all the time, week in and week out. Most say, if you make an investment in our company, we’ll really be able to make progress on all fronts. Some say, we haven’t had much money to date, but look at what we have been able to achieve with little money in a small amount of time. People that can make progress without money tend to be the ones who make the most progress when they have money.

Recently, a high school pal wrote me about a strange new Web site, adding the parenthetical comment “(69241).” Then, a typically typo-free writer assured me I could “becomee a reall filmm staar noww” and pointed me to a site in India. And a normally level-headed colleague passed along yet another strange address, followed by the exultation “Best store!!!” — then resent the message a minute later. Okay, so my Facebook friends didn’t really write those things. Nor did the co-worker who appeared to invite contacts on Twitter and Facebook to view a “private video.” Instead, a virus did, hijacking their accounts to send messages steering friends to hostile sites.

(tags: security)

Do you Twitter? Then you are more interested in sex than the average Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn user. Like LinkedIn? You’re more likely to watch soap operas. Favor MySpace? You’re probably not into exercise. Which social network you favor says a lot about you — and you might be surprised just what it says. A new study by Anderson Analytics is helping identify users’ likely interests, buying habits, media consumption and more for marketers. The survey studied the demographics and psychographics of both social networkers and non-users and found that “there are definite data-driven segments in the social-networking-site market, both for non-users and users,” said Tom Anderson, founder and managing partner.

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