Yesterday, buySAFE and MIVA launched buySAFE’s trust and safety solution for all MIVA 5 Merchant customers. This is exciting news for buySAFE, MIVA, MIVA’s hosting partners, and most importantly, MIVA’s merchants.
If you are a MIVA merchant, you can begin using buySAFE on your website store with just a few minutes worth of effort. Not only will you be able to drive up your store’s conversion rates by bonding your eCommerce sales with buySAFE, you can use buySAFE for FREE! It won’t cost MIVA’s merchants one penny to use buySAFE on their website stores.
In addition, if you upgrade your buySAFE account from a Trial account to a Full account (it is still free!), buySAFE will pay you a revenue bonus on each and every bonded transaction going forward. Yes. You heard me right. Not only is buySAFE free for MIVA Merchant 5 customers, but buySAFE will pay merchants to use buySAFE.
Finally, James Harrell, General Manager of MIVA Small Business, also announced additional incentives of up to $5,000 for installing and using buySAFE. Obviously, we seriously believe that once merchants try buySAFE, they will love buySAFE!
This is exciting news for MIVA because it provides MIVA’s merchants with a proven tool for driving higher conversion rates and sales. MIVA is dedicated to giving its merchants cutting edge services, and this is simply the latest initiative on their part to do that.
If you are a MIVA hosting partner (premier or standard), this is big news because the buySAFE for MIVA Merchant 5 product can provide a significant new revenue stream for hosting companies. You should contact MIVA or buySAFE for additional details on how you can take advantage of this new revenue opportunity.
For buySAFE, this is exciting news because this morning thousands of MIVA merchants can roll out of bed and, with a few easy steps, activate buySAFE on their websites! I think that is all I need to say.
Congratulations to the buySAFE and MIVA teams for a job well done.